Do you know what ZMOT means to you?

Do you go online to do some online research before you buy something? Would it surprise you that 70% of all Americans say that they do?
This is a new development in the purchasing sequence. This new things can be seen as a new moment of truth. The classical First Moment of Truth (FMOT) is when the consumer selects to purchase one brand over another. The second is when the brand either delivers… or doesn’t.
Jim Lecinski in his new book “ZMOT, Winning the Zero Moment of Truth” details what this predecessor to the FMOT looks like. It is online search, friends and family discussion, online comparisons, website info, online reviews and other sources that you have probably used. In fact, a study commissioned by Google said the average number of sources consulted per purchase just about doubled from 2010 to 2011. The study included purchases from very large to very small. The study also showed that the ZMOT was equally important in the purchasing decision to the older pieces of the buying sequence.
Wouldn’t a very good question be: Why was only 15% of media ad budget money spend online in 2010?
Contact us for additional information about you can use ZMOT to improve your business’ online performance.
Got questions? Call, click or Google… you’ll reach us.

Have you seen the latest feature of Google+?

Google is now including search returns that are influenced by their social network as a part of each search that you do.  What this means is that sites that are recommended by people that you know appear more prominently in Google searches. This means that your search returns are being tailored to you personally.

This makes your ability to create and promote a page on Google+ a really good idea. You can visit our page at Search Engine Marketing Chicago on Google+ to see what it looks like.  Once you create a page you can put a badge on your website to solicite +1’s from your visitors. You can see an example of one of the badges on our website Search Engine Marketing Chicago, Inc.

Bing has announced plans to make their returns influences by your social network contacts as well so this is clearly a trend in the major search engines.

Constant Contact has now made Facebook campaign tools available, too. Visit ours at Search Marketing Chicago on Facebook!
Contact us for additional information about how social networking can positively influence your business’ online marketing profile.
Got questions? Call, click or Google… you’ll reach us.